My services include:
- System software and hardware upgrades.
- Custom apps made with FileMaker, LiveCode, AppleScript and Xcode.
- Advanced FileMaker Pro 19 development and deployment.
- LiveCode development.
- Xcode development.
- AppleScript automation development.
- Javascript development.
- mySQL and SQLite database development.
- macOS Server system support.
- Migration from Windows to macOS.
- Conversion from hardware PC to virtual machine on Mac.
- Migration from Android to iOS.
- Integration of Windows with macOS through virtual machines with Parallels or VMWare Fusion and/or Boot Camp.
- Training.
- Troubleshooting.
- Data recovery.
- Network setup and optimization.
- Cross-platform compatibility.
- Web site hosting with CentOS and CWP7Pro. This service is only offered to select clients. I operate my own server on a Novus Gigabit Fibre connection.
- Repurposing old Macs into CentOS Linux servers. I can teach an old Mac new tricks!
- FileMaker Pro database hosting with FileMaker Server. This service is only offered to select clients. I operate my own FileMaker Server.
- E-mail hosting including webmail with CentOS Linux and CWP7Pro with a customized webmail client. This service is only offered to select clients.
- Web site and web application development.
- PHP/MySQL based content management systems.
- Video post production with Final Cut Pro X, Motion and Compressor.
- Audio production with Logic Pro X.
- Graphics production with Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, Affinity Publisher, Pixelmator Pro and RAW Power.
- Live radio streaming support including setup and operation of Orban Optimod PCn1600 and StreamS Hi-Fi Encoders. I setup and operate 24/7 Internet Radio Stations CKLG, LG73, Max Radio, New West Rock and Uptown Radio with this technology on behalf of Max Radio Society.